Sunday, November 21, 2010

If I were retired....

If I were retired, I could stay in Atlanta another day.  As it is, I am taking one precious personal day to be here with my husband as he attends his annual convention.  I have loved being here--just being out of South Bend, enjoying the colors of fall a second time,  eating fantastic meals in new restaurants, going to the High Museum of Art, attending North Park Presbyterian Church.  But I need to get an early flight alone tomorrow so that I don't miss a second day of work.  I do like my work and I know it is worth doing.  But I would love the freedom to travel without making complicated arrangements.

1 comment:

  1. I don't begrudge you your travel time, but I did miss you at church this morning!! :-)

    (Maybe when you retire you can travel during the week, and I can still see you on the weekends??)

